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Life Without A Prescription - 処方箋無しの人生

Venice by Night

With shopping bags in our hands,
we made our way to the restaurant for the night.
Mr. Meat-Eater and Vegan-chan were already there to greet us.
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Taverna San Trovaso
This place was recommended by a friend.

Everything on the menu seemed very affordable!
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My seafood soup.
I was really attracted to the spaghetti version of this dish,
but I eventually went with the soup.
It was delicious, but a bit too salty.
With spaghetti, it would've been perfect.

Steven had this.
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Pasta with pesto.
This was very good011.gif
(As good as my own pesto. Ha!! I'm so arrogant.)

Then, this for me.
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Ravioli stuffed with porcini, tossed with truffle butter.

Finally, Steven's next dish.
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More carbs!! After all we're on vacation.
Indulgence is obligatory003.gif
Needless to say, I had a couple of slices!

Another great dinner with old friends,
so far away from where we used to hang out,
but still enjoying each other's company.

We walked home all together.
The night air in Venice was warm and damp.
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The breeze felt good when we walked by a canal.

By then, we didn't really need a map to walk back to the hotel.
Most stores were already closed, but nevertheless beautiful.
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The store where I bought my bracelet earlier.

Many destinations we've visited, including Venice,
are more beautiful at night.
With less people and distractions,
it's easier to focus on the city itself.
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The four of us enjoyed traveling together so much
that we started planning a trip for next year024.gif


It's always fun to fantasize.
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The Piazza was still lively and live music could be heard.

The foggy Venice,
dreamy and romantic.

Thanks, Honeybear, for dragging me out there010.gif

And thank you for clicking on ↓to vote!
人気ブログランキングへにほんブログ村 海外生活ブログ スイス情報へ

by Yas-Unprescribed | 2012-10-23 09:21 | 旅行/Travel

気まま我儘に生きるYasの人生を、正直率直に、そして飾らなく語るブログです。 This is a blog where Yas talks about his life in a foreign land seen through his bizarre and frivolous, yet sincere eyes
by Yas-Unprescribed




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